Circle Time

We start each morning with Circle Time.
All of the students join the teacher on the carpet where we will discuss
  • Calendar (learning our days of the week, months of the year, counting, patterns
  • Weather (observing what the weather is like outside and we will dress our weather Friend accordingly for the weather that day)
  • Songs and Finger Plays
  • Introduction to the letter of the week
  • Sharing our plan for activities for that day (art project, science, manipulatives, center choices…)
Circle time is typically 15 minutes long and gives us a way to come together as a group and prepare for our time together.


Center Time

Children will have the opportunities each day to engage in classroom centers and guide their own play experiences.  Centers include but are not limited to:
  • Dramatic Play
  • Sensory Table (may include water, snow, kinetic sand, etc)
  • Writing center (this center will have envelopes, stickers, small pieces of paper, scissors, crayons, markers, pencils, tape, all things that will help them foster writing and being creative 
  • Blocks and Cars
  • Reading and Book Center
  • Table Manipulatives and Games
  • Play-doh
  • Creative Free Art (may include easel art, coloring, abstract art, free art based on the theme for the week)





Art Projects





Several times during the week the children will work on individual an individual art project with a teacher and a small group of children at a table.  This guided art project will most likely coincide with the theme of the week.  Art projects are a valuable teaching tool as we work on listening and following instructions, fine motor skills, logic (what comes next? does this look right? could I do it a different way?)  When we do an art project we value that process rather than the final product.  We help guess the experience but allow allow creativity along the way. 

In March, Gateway will host an Art Show.  Teachers will save approximately 10 projects throughout the year to have on display for the art show.  This is a great event to invite family and friends to attend, as our students take such pride in their work and love to show it off.

The following photos were taken at a previous art show.  We proudly display approximately 1000 pieces of art and have several hundred visitors attend the event. 

Large Motor Room

Each day each class will have the opportunity to go our indoor Gym.  We have LOTS of equipment to keep the kids busy and moving.  Equipment includes (but is not limited to), balance beams, rocking boat, teeter-totter, cozy coupes, tricycles, basket ball hoop, hula-hoops, balls, and parachutes.


Story Time

Each day children are given many opportunities to read, listen to and explore books.  We have large group story time each day (times vary from class to class).  Our book area in each room is always available for children to go and read or explore books, often times you will find a teacher reading to a small group of children during Center Time.  

Field Trips

The Four Year Old Classes will participate in 2-3 field trips during the year.  

In the fall the classes will walk down to the Fairport Fire Department and take a tour of the building.  We ask for 3 parents to help chaperone this field trip. 

They will also visit Chase Farm in October for Pumpkin Picking.  Parents are responsible for paying for the field trip AND for providing transportation to and from (and staying with the child during the field trip.  We welcome little siblings on Chase Farm field trip, however parents must also pay for any little siblings.
